



Associate Professor, LL.D.
Petri Keskitalo


telephone: +47 776 44557
e-mail: petri.keskitalo@jus.uit.no

Biografical data:


  • Master of Law, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland 1993
  • Trained at the Bench, District Court of Åland, Mariehamn 1994
  • Doctor of Law, University of Tromsoe 2000


  • Clerk, District Court of Åland 7/1993 - 7/1994
  • Senior Secretary, Helsinki Court of Appeal 11/1994 - 2/1995
  • Senior Secretary, Vasa Court of Appeal 2/1995 - 8/1995
  • Research Fellow, University of Tromsoe 9/1995 - 1/2000
  • Assistant Professor 2/2000 - 6/2000
  • Associate Professor 7/2000-

Subject areas for courses:

Contract law, international sales law, legal method.

Subject areas for research:

Contractual risk management, law of obligations, law and economics, legal theory.

Doctoral thesis:

From assumptions to risk management. An analysis of risk management for changing circumstances in commercial contracts, especially in the Nordic countries. The theory of contractual risk management and the default norms of risk allocation.

Summary Table of content Update!


Sopimuksellisen riskienhallinnan teoria ja sen toimintamallit (Contractual Risk Managagement: Theory and Operative Models). Published in Soile Pohjonen (toim.): Ennakoiva sopiminen. Liiketoimien suunnittelu, toteuttaminen ja riskien hallinta. Helsinki 2002, ss. 241-273. WSOY Lakitieto. ISBN 951-670-065-9.

From assumptions to risk management. An analysis of risk management for changing circumstances in commercial contracts, especially in the Nordic countries. The theory of contractual risk management and the default norms of risk allocation. Kauppakaari Oyj, Helsinki 2000. ISBN 952-14-0046-3.

Do You wish to obtain a copy of the book?

Send an e-mail to petri.keskitalo@jus.uit.no


Rättsekonomi och Norden (Law and Economics and the Nordic countries), published in: Fra institutt til fakultet. Jens Edvin A. Skoghøy (red.). ISBN 82-13-00919-3. Tromsø 1997, 29-43.


Law, Economics and Organization in Proactive International Contracting. A presentation held at the Future Law, Lawyering, and Language - Helping People and Business Succeed-conference in Helsinki 13.5.2003.

CISG in the Nordic countries. A presentation held at the EL§A International Seminar on Contracting in Europe in Tromsoe 6.3.2003.

Lex Mercatoria. A presentation held at the EL§A International Seminar on Contracting in Europe in Tromsoe 5.3.2003.

Sopimusten käyttö riskien hallinnassa (Use of Contracts in Risk Management). A presentation held at a course for board memebers of business companies arranged by JOKO Executive Education Ltd. at the Helsinki School of Business and Administration in Helsinki 29.11.2002. The presentation in its latest and largely extendet version is currently available only in Finnish under the title Sopimukset ja riskien hallinta (Contracts and Risk Management).

Contractual Risk Mangagement in Transnational Sales Contracts. A presentation held at the seminar International Commercial Contracts which was arranged by IIR Finland Oy in Helsinki 11-12.12.2001. The presentation is continueously reviewed and is part of lectures in the special course International Sales Law.Til toppen av siden


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Last updated 05.08.2003.